You know, I have loved making maps since I was 6 years old. Even back then I used to populate the maps in my head with swamps and forests and what not! So this passion continued I made maps and put cities on them, usually I took the names of real world cities and the maps got bigger and bigger (all hand drawn). Then in my teens I discovered Fantasy fiction! Holy crap MORE MAPS!!! And ever since I discovered Fantasy I have had this urge to create a world and so I one day can write books or make a game out of it. As you can guess a lot of worlds came and went usually a continent or two (Dam u David Eddings!) until recently having read some of Steven Erikssons books I dared to dream BIG!

All these years I thought I was alone with my love for map making And then I find this place

So anyways, hi, hello, how are you, and one day I hope to post my world map for all to see