I think its a great map. The background might not be the most realistic alt-history, but its certainly fun, and an excellent set-up for a SoSE mod. Bartmoss's objections are based entirely on the fact that he chose not to do any further reading about your mod and as such can be safely ignored. While I'll agree that 'the New Weimar Republic' might be kind of a silly name considering its actual historical use, that shouldn't dissuade you from using it.

People choose unusual names for things all the time, but you don't think they are because you've accepted them. There's no telling what a future group of people might choose to name a state or a planet. I'll give a real example. Canada being named Canada is the result of a misinterpretation by early explorers. It's an anglicized Saint Lawrence Iroquois word for village, which is a silly name for a country, but it is, and nobody thinks its weird.