Quote Originally Posted by Korash View Post
Well, I am sure that you will have a good time here. If it is a map, we want to do it right. Or help you make it right.

And on that note, I actually have a question for you.

I am running a game where the characters have pirates as a major foe and these pirates are located in a bay with tides much like the Bay of Fundy. I have placed low tide at about 10 feet and high tide somewhere about 25 feet (reasonable or not I have no idea). I was thinking that the bay basically a huge sandbank just under the water with some land permanently above where the pirates have made their bases. The sandbanks are very mutable in that they move around and very rarely stay visible for long. The pirates have a way of tracking where the deep water is and the PCs are to find a map (old) of the deep water.

Now for my question: Are there symbols, and what would they be, that would show this sort of place? Symbols that would be hand drawn preferably.

Thanks for the lend of your nautical wisdom.
Parts of the Bay of Fundy have tidal ranges of around 50 feet. However it is a fairly special case caused by the shape of the land that then funnels water to create the extreme tides.
As for a symbol? Really depends on the chart type. What era are you looking at? Shifting sands and unreliable channels have been marked different ways by different map makers.