I really like the colors - the sand-colored text really fits well, the muted greens and browns blend nicely and the ocean blues are nice, too. The land itself looks a lil bumpy with all that roughness so maybe if you could throw some solid color over some places to denote plains or something, shrug, I dunno just something to smooth things out a bit. The forests could stand to be a lil darker and muted like the land colors. The towns get lost in the roughness of the land so maybe a gray or brown or terra cotta color there instead of the sand color. This sounds like a lot of nitpicking and, yes, I suppose so, but I really do like what you have going on here...just some tweaks is all I'm suggesting. If you left it like this forever because you like it this way then I'd say "Good enough for me" Know that I just might be taking this and doing something of my own down the line cuz I really like your colors and some of that roughness.