Wow, that is cool!

And what you do at is what I’m aiming for with my work. So far I have reached the treetops and you are on your way to the stars Great to see what some combined effort can accomplish, I’m a solo effort so far.

My machine has 3GB of physically addressable RAM, which max for a 32bit OS, and yes it is straining under the load. I mask of all the parts I’m not working under and it helps a lot. I think Corel uses memory more efficient, but it’s just a hunch, not a fact. Vista 32bit is in fact better than XP 32bit in handling my large files. Hopefully Vista 64bit with 8GB of RAM will be a lot better.

Your projects with ViewinDale and GeoTerSys looks really interesting. Your samples of Middle-Earth are certainly the most inspiring things I have seen on the net so far, and I have seen a lot!

My plan is to make a Flanaess Atlas using this technique and refine it as much as I can without having to remake the old parts, it will probably take 2 years or so. Then I’ll try and continue my work on Greyhawk with whatever improvements in software and knowledge there is.

There are cities and underdark and so much more to map and illustrate……

Thanks to you Game-Printer I now know that my maps are used :-)
