Sapiento's Maargard automatically gets my vote. Not just because it is a beautiful piece of work, but because I've been inspired by part of the map. I figure any final map of Kazh will have to include some sort of system map to show the relationship between Kazh and it's solar system and the highly eccentric orbit of the larger and brighter companion star. My system map is unlikely to be anywhere near as aesthetically attractive as Sapiento's work, but he definitely provided the inspiration.

Diamond's Deis Mundi, while a touch derivative, is beautiful, and all the detail of architectural imagery, inset maps and the street map of Luthia makes the place feel very alive. I would love to play in God's World.

Deciding between cereth, Ascension and Greason Wolf is terribly hard. I think if GW had more time, he would own my third vote, but as it is I gave it to cereth's lovely orbs, though the land forms are lovely in both.

After those, I love Jaxilon's Xperemiante. I think he has the next Ascension Method here. If I had any artistic talent, I'd so try to copy his style!

Immolate's Aliron is another very attractive map with very good landforms. His continents just feel right to me.

Noon's Sylvania was quite a pretty map and his technique showed immense progress very quickly. Given more time for polishing the detail would have won me over and this one might have taken the place of cereth's Ursea, which while a lovely image was somewhat lacking as a map.

Reckless Enthusiasm's Littlest Planetoid was a very cute picture and great fun.

Jtougas' UNC-134.B had a great story and I'd love to hear more. A couple of years ago, I probably would have killed to be able to make a map like that. I'll be watching his career with great interest.

Last but certainly not least is Ravell's Wagner VII. I love the style of this map. The mountains looked great and the landforms were attractive. The textural element he added was a little too low-res and pixilated but otherwise excellent. Ravells is one of my favorite people here. Were it not for him, I likely would never have found this forum and I'd still be putting up really crummy worldmaps on COTI.

I might have voted for my own work, but there was just so much that was better... I'll still be working on it, though.