Quote Originally Posted by pyrandon View Post
Hi, 117. Glad to have you. Welcome!

Hahaha on the clouds for coastlines bit from the others. 117 means PS's clouds filter as the basis for random coastlines. But then, you knew that, right?
You think I'm kiddin' huh? Well I did actually go out and snap a couple of shots of the sky over beautiful Eugene, Oregon. The autofocus didn't capture the detailed tendrils, but it was still a medium decent shot. I stuck it in photoshop, reduced it to grayscale, healing-brushed out some bad pixels, and used a small gaussian blur to kill some graininess(the light sucked, and I didn't want to do a 3 second exposure freehand), and used levels to get the full gamut. Other than that, I didn't really modify it significantly before I sucked it into Bryce for this overhead shot.


Looks promising to me. Even in this day of sophisticated computers and noise algorithms, the sky is still the limit. (You may groan at that.)