Thanks for everyone.
The Scale of the map is currently not fix, I still need to figure it out.
The Picture is 2500 x 2500 px, I thought so that 1 or 2 px = 1 km
The landmass is about 50,2% of the picture, so it is about 800 000 - 3 000 000 square km
I prefer smaller scale and more detailed maps, so probably I will choose the smaller version...
I don't really want to do a big map, where all I know is the name of the countries and the 5 biggest city on the continent.
But I also should keep in mind that the world is high magic and technology something between steam-punk and middle-ages so if it's very small the exploring aspect of the Campaign is not relevant.
So I still need to figure out very much details and there is a lot of mapping to do.
I plan the next update at weekend, probably Sunday...