@eilathen: Thanks! You're from Zurich? Really? Amazing coincidence! Where from exactly? I'm from Wädenswil, but working in Zurich. I got into p&p a little through my sister and some freinds of hers, but I somehow never found enough time to play more frequently than every two months or so. My way into worldbuilding and fantasy was more by way of books, call it a hazard of the trade for a bookseller with delusions of creativity :-) May I ask what rpg you are into? My people are great fans of DSA...

@jbgibson: Thanks a million, man, a boatload of fascinating ideas and suggestions! I'll give them a try as soon as I'm off work and on holiday. Concerning the names, I think I'll find a good explanation for the language-mix in certain regions, and of course the map's been drawn by some arrogant Enorian cartographer, so some language bias is justified, I think. :-)

I'll post some updated version some time next week, as soon as I return from my vacation in the bone-freezingly cold mountains