You might do something to punch up the contrast of the mountain texture. The rivers and coastlines are so clearly delineated that it seems a bit odd for that texture to be so washed out. Of course, you don't want to do anything to disturb the legibility of the labels.

It looks like there might be one river flowing uphill. It comes down out of the Frostwall mountains, passes through a city called Aereth, and then goes through a mountain pass on its way to the sea. I'm not sure what that greyish color represents, but if it's an indication of height, then the river cannot climb up to go through that pass. It would more likely divert down to that lake to the south.

Also, on the topic of rivers, they tend to be straighter near their source and start to meander as they reach the lowlands. Your rivers are currently a little too straight, I think. Of course, getting a realistic-looking river path is about as difficult as getting good coastlines, so don't fret too much about that.