Thanks everyone,

I can make a passable map if I have to but I find that my players really enjoy me putting more effort into planning the adventures and the campaign than the art work that goes along with it. The same holds true for learning mapping programs, etc. I have been given CC2/3 and Dunjini through the years and never found enough time to get good enough at it.

Klooge is a Virtual Tabletop program, I use to run the game along with all the archives and oral histories from the website. We used to have an even mix of people at the table and people through the Internet but over the last couple of years we have become essentially Internet only. Anyone who is interested in sitting in on a session is free to grab me in IM or email.

As I cruise through the maps here I will be sure to let anyone know if I do use them in the campaign and I will give credit and payment as due.