Shindig - am deeply impressed by your efforts. Have been DMing ETCR for (embarrassing pause..............) the last year and my PCs have been in the castle for the last month or so. Well, the best excuse for the lengthy game time is that we game only fortnightly and I've been running them all over the countryside first.

Anyway, the biggest hassle I've found with running the game is accurately depicting the floor plans well. I've been generally using the freely available maps on ( and blowing them up for use on my laptop screen (17") or printing them off. The laptop screen at 17" is generally too small for most of the bigger encounters; and the resolution of the maps too poor. Am deeply impressed with your rendition of the game's maps - there are so many inconsistencies between the encounter maps and the orthogonal maps. I've just been through every stairwell to see if they should climb anti-clockwise or clockwise, for example! I love the level of detail in your renditions - knowing little facts like the middle statue in Sergei's tomb is of cruder construction for example - only things that DMs would pick up on. I'm sure you're finding the book a challenge to DM too. As much as I love it, the constant cross referencing between the adventure text and the encounter maps is a nightmare. My bugbear is that information from both those sources within the book doesn't naturally correlate. I've been DMing encounters and suddenly realised the map is wrong or incomplete in the true description of the text. I thoroughly understand and appreciate how drawing out and mapping the entire castle has expanded your knowledge of the module.

Am slightly torn at the moment. Do I use your excellent maps (with due repping, hat doffing etc) by printing and/or maptooling on a new monitor. Or do I buy CC3 and go through the cathartic experience myself..........

Cheers for your excellent work