Technically, vector mapping is all I really do. Most fully featured vector apps can import raster images to alter and manipulate, or use as fills for vector shapes, but in many cases one can't really tell what the map was created in by viewing it. I use Xara Xtreme Pro 4 (Replaced with Xara Designer 6) to create all my maps. Some utilize 3D objects I create and render, cut-out the shapes, borrow shadows and place as map objects on an otherwise vector map. I also do hand-drawn work, digitally scanned, imported to Xara, then creating beveled shapes, feathering and drop shadows beneath the hand work to create a hybrid hand-digital map.

Vector mapping is more broad and inclusive of images to create something that might otherwise be created in Photoshop or GIMP. Vector apps let me do it faster and less memory intensive on my PC.

I also use the same app to do page layouts and cover designs for my published material, so I use it for many things, but really because I'm comfortable using it, I run a graphics shop and use the same software in my day job.

Every map I have posted here since 2007, has been either totally created in Xara, or used to composite the other elements created with other software in Xara. I'm am a vector based cartographer, unlike most on these boards.