Well folks, been lurking for a while and decided to take the plunge and join this great resource.

Kudos to the folks that run this forum/website. Very well done.

I purchased the ProFantasy products - CC, City, Dungeon, Fractal about a year ago and have just barely touched on the overall capabilities the programs offer. As an avid DM of Dark Heresy/ Rogue Trader / Deathwatch, I thought I would try to accomplish a rather ambitious series of maps and plan on documenting my trials and tribulations here.

Dark Heresy is a game that focuses on the investigation and eventual 'purging' of the bad folks set in a futuristic world - for those that don't know. One of the worlds we encounter in Dark Heresy is called a Hive world, a pyramid type structure that harbors billions of inhabitants.

My plan is to try and map out a hive city.

wish me luck.