How coincidental !!!... I am sat here programming to get the medem tiles into this. The main dev has allowed us to try an alpha version of it. It is unreleased and he is working on it quite a lot. To be honest I don't know a huge amount about it but were trying out some of these real time world rendering apps in the hope that when they are available then we can put our DEM into one and have a demo of it. Its being developed as a game engine, perhaps as part of a flight sim or some other kind of sim that needs lots of terrain.

And if you have been thinking this one is good then there is the Proland demo as well. You can download and try if you dont mind downloading 3.5Gb of data for it. But it is very good too. Look at the medem thread here to see some pics.

There is another called AdVantage too which the main dev of that has released source code for it. Although that worked on Monks machine, it did not run on mine. Something about the .NET version or whatever is causing some issues. So that one is DirectX and .NET the others are OpenGL and I am much more familiar with OpenGL and not so good with .NET stuff either.