:-D...yes a coincidence!
The dev is quite a bit interested in the simulation side of things. He's had a lot of interest from the flight simulation community especially. I asked him recently if he was interested in supporting GIS formats for using data in the engine- things like planetary maps of vegetation coverage, etc. He said he was. So we'll be able to get our data in there with minimal fuss. He's also interested in allowing the use of real world cave system info- which could also be used in shp format. Very cool and forward thinking they seem to be on there. I'd like to input maps of cave systems from role playing sources I have, as vector networks in shp format- some format that supports per vertex z info. The engine already has the code in place for vector creation of roads with procedurally generated textures, and apparently they intend the underground tunnels will be generated like this as well. Usually in game engines underground areas are faked by making the mountain a giant model and hollowing it out. The whole level area will be a model in 3D max or something. This is different and way more effiicient for scaling up.
I don't know how long it will take to implement these things though.
