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Thread: Blue Ox Inn - Hand Drawn

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    Default Blue Ox Inn - Hand Drawn

    So I've been down in the dumps for the last week. Monday, I had to put my dog to sleep - very sad. The best therapy for me is to create a detailed, hand-drawn map to take my mind off real life and immerse myself into the work.

    I decided I was long overdue in creating a typical fantasy tavern/inn... related to another commercial map idea. Unlike my Endless Terrain Battlemaps which are more photorealistic, I want to design a set of specific maps that can be used for many adventures - focusing in on the cliche locations including the inn.

    This is the Blue Ox Inn. Below is the first floor, mostly the work in lineart only, having added only the main walls, and the floor stones for the 'Ox head' and 'B' for Blue Ox - just so you can see it better. Those are the only blue stones in the floor, the rest will be tan and gray, with a light gray mortar behind it. All rock shapes will have bevels and drop shadows, like the blue stones are already. The 'devil is in the details' as they say, and the devil is sure in this, as I went overboard on texture detail.

    I still plan to create the smaller second floor containing five sleeping chambers for overnight guests.

    My overall goal is to create a PDF sliced map pack both floor of the Inn, the stables and some outside road and yard. I want to offer a download only product, or a POD printed one by One Book Shelf, to get some of my own products into RPGNow/DriveThruRPG and the Paizo Store. I also intend to create some map objects to correspond to 10 'patrons' already created. I need tables, kegs of beer/ale, a kitchen, bedrooms, etc.

    I think my plans are to build an entire village, or at least most of the main structures and facilities: black smith, market, small temple, hedge wizard's den, a dry goods or general store, corral, village home, farm house, village office/jail - what else should I create? Perhaps a water mill.

    I haven't decided on the price, but I will find out what the POD version costs, and base my price on 50% of that, at most.

    The map is mostly B/W for now, but it won't be when its complete.

    Work-in-Progress below: (I see I missed detailing one tiny tile, need to fix that.)

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 04-08-2011 at 05:18 AM.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

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