Thanks. Yeah, the titling might be a bit much. I just dropped in the only Arabic-looking font I had and tried out a couple of stock layer styles and this is the one that hit me. It's a placeholder, really, though I plan to decorate the final sheet a bit so I'll see how fancy I want to get with it. Most likely I won't end up going with the 3D look.

On burnout, you may be right. I'm planning on taking a break from commissions through June once I finish my current batch so I can catch up on other stuff I've been neglecting. I wanted to take this on, however, so I can make some maps outside of my usual range...experiment and explore a bit. For some reason I seem to need a purpose to make these. I think my mom used to go on about people wasting their time on hobbies so I feel like I need a "reason" Maybe I should see a therapist instead!