The artist here clearly understands CC licenses and why they are both good and bad and decided to do it this way because of the good parts of them. Where he mentions that the client cant kill a CC licensed piece of art is why I do a lot of my art under CC and why I think they have some very useful good points to them. Its also why I would insist on one for a community driven project where I would be expected to put in effort to an artistic pot. In this case as with most in this regard, the CC was a better option than to have done them public domain.

As I get older, wiser and more bruised by the big corp attitude to other peoples work the more I think we should say no a lot more often. Learn to say it when you need to. This guy is clearly wise enough to know that his art was more important to him than the fee for doing it. If you care more about your work than its monetary fee then its more difficult for people to negotiate offensive terms with you.

And its also another really good example why everyone here should not ignore the licensing aspects for their art.