well, it could as the Larger critters (trolls, ogres etc) are actually larger and have a larger base because of that. There is no actual rules difference for the larger base/monster, beyond just being bigger (i.e. still take up only a single square, no reach, etc). Our Thunderbowl league actually uses a board with 40 mm squares for just this reason. Now if you are simply using the board for games between you and your buddy only, then should not be an issue, but if you start to include others, you will find there is a difference between bases from one player to another i.e. Some use the Warmachine sytle 'lipped' base which is 1.25 inches, some use square bases (I am painting a team right now with square bases, and frankly, it makes the minis' easier to lay on their backs/fronts for knocked down/stunned designation).