Now your getting to the edge of my blood bowl knowledge here but when we talked about this he said that the rules have changed and that once a big guy used to take up a 3x3 set of squares or have influence over them or something like that but now there is no difference rule wise between big and small characters except for stats. So the bug guys need to stand on one square. So I think he is either going to mount his bigger guys on the same base size even if they hang over the sides a bit or else were going to have a 1" base stuck to a 1.5" to 2" square flocked bit of card or plastic and then place them on the top of that. We were originally going to have the dimples of 25mm on a 30mm spacing so there was 5mm between them but its making the board quite big so we have dropped it to 28mm so it doesn't leave a lot of extra room around each for large models.

If its true that the big guys have no special space rules for the board then what do people do right now with the existing board when a bunch of small guys pack around him or two big guys get onto adjacent squares ?

We like the idea of the dimples cos he has children who come in and start moving all the pieces about or knock the board and we want them quite well fixed down in play. Do you think the dimples will cause some problems for some situations ?

BTW Lipstick & Leather is a great name. I also liked the Wights in Night Satin too.