I cut a test bit of the board and we tried out some paint and stuff on it today - plus had a game which I lost... tsk...

Anyway - maybe these pics will show it a bit better what we want. We were not sure whether just painting some MDF would be ok or whether it would be ok after routing some away and then painting it or whether we need to flock it. The consensus is that that it looks so much better flocked with the standard Warhammer flocking stuff that it looks like real grass when done. So were going with the flocking. I think I need to recess those dimples down a few more mm so that the character bases are flush with the pitch. We have decided to ditch recessing the touchdown and score text and spray it on over the top of the flocking like real paint on grass at soccer / football pitches. So were going to do just the touch down text in white with the lines and leave off the score and put that on the reserves board instead. You can get green MDF but its dearer than the normal brown stuff but it might make it easier to make. Will investigate this aspect. So I reckon the next board will be our proper one.

In the meantime here are the test cut and test painting pics.