When I first found this site I thought to myself, Damn, you've wandered into some kind of twilight zone of map-making savants. You're all so incredibly talented, and I'm oh so jealous. I'm not sure savant is a strong enough word to describe you all.

I'm a former Computer Game LAN Center owner, lifelong gamer, freelance writer and indie computer game designer. I collaborate/write/design with my son, and we've been working on an MMO design off and on for the last 6 years. We've gotten much more serious about it this past year, and I've decided to try and start mapping the world we've created on paper.

I'm a total PS newb, but I am studying and reading/watching tutorials. I've also been reading as many of the tutorials here as time allows. I did manage to put one map together.. it was like a hybrid of Tear and Ascension's tutorials. Boy did I screw them up.. lol.

I have to say, I've belonged to many forums over the years, but I've never belonged to one whose members are as kind, generous and helpful as the members here are. I'm looking forward to learning from you all, and hopefully in time I'll be able to make a decent map.