Quote Originally Posted by aquarits View Post
Is possible use it in Photoshop? Looks like i lost some feature when use Illustrator to open the file.
When i open i just see a layer like your first pic.

you know that i was looking for it ty man!
I'm afraid I don't know much about the Adobe toolchain. The SVG file consists of multiple groups which I imagine Illustrator would convert to its own groups. In Inkscape, the top level groups are treated as being "layers" and IIRC I set the bottom layer to be hidden by default. You probably only need that lower layer if you are working in Inkscape and want to take advantage of the mask I built into it. If you just want to make an overlay to use in Photoshop or another raster graphics editor, you can adjust the size and style and then export at your desired resolution and load into the raster editor. If all else fails you could download Inkscape.

You can trim off the top and bottom but you probably want the left and right edges to be the edges of your map extent (they should be flush against the borders)