Ascension: I like the idea but the execution didn't work. The obviously computer generated effects like the white text, fractal/noise generated looking mountains, and the poor contrast and readability kind of killed it.

Clercon: Similar to Ascension in that it has poor contrast and obviously CG text effects. Otherwise I like it.

Diamond: I like it, although the coastline looks a bit weird, like you applied an erode filter to it.

Djekspek: Again, CG looking text in an otherwise fantasy/historical map disrupts the feel for me.

Greel: Not bad but it's rather noisy which makes it hard to read.

Lalaithon: Obvious CG text effects in a fantasy/historical map again. Sorry, I know I sound like a broken record and I know it doesn't bother other people, but it bothers me. The font doesn't help readability.

MasterTMO: Dark, noisy and hard to read. It seems like every label is in a different font and a different colour with no clear idea what the differences mean. The call out boxes cover up a lot (even if they are partially transparent)

Plumcrazy: I like this one. It really is functional and easy to read, though it would be better if the blacks were a bit darker. Using some of the excess space to provide descriptions of the physiographic/political regions would have been nice. Also a proper map like this would have a date, description of source date, name of the cartographer, projection and datum, and copyright information in a little block somewhere. Although a lot of maps that have scales shouldn't, this one doesn't have one, but probably should.

Reckless: The gradient effects on the scrolls kind of stand out and the lack of geographic detail looks off in comparison to the impressive graphical detail. Also the text is hard to read. I like the art though.

RJBeals: I'm not sure but something bothers me about this one. Maybe it's the intense saturation.

Rythal: Really dark with poor contrast and unreadable text. Hard to interpret as the intensely coloured geophysical base layer makes it seem the red for the country is just another physiographic region; it took me a while to figure out what you were up to.

Sapiento: Beautiful and functional. I enjoy looking at it, and I can read it and interpret it easily. Definitely my favourite.

ZarPeter: The rivers and lakes have a rather pixelated look and are perhaps to thick. The text just looks bland; it's simple but not elegantly so. It looks like a screen font rather than a print one which just doesn't work in this context. The underlines just look ugly.

JBGibson: Text is a bit crowded, but otherwise a very nice map, obviously carefully optimised for on screen display.

jtougas: Dark and poor contrast with unreadable font. Once again those CG effects that look out of place to me in a fantasy map. The geography looks weird too.

Morikahn: Well, it's a pretty background.

Ravells: It's more subtle than the others, but there are still those CG elements disrupting the historical/fantasy vibe for me. It also seems rather blurry in places, particularly along the coast. Other than the blur, I do like the coast effect.

Torstan: This looks like a great start and would have had a good chance to be my favourite if it were finished.

I know I probably came across as overly critical but I'm just trying to be honest and I suppose my tastes are a bit different from the majority.