Quote Originally Posted by torstan View Post
I think it can be pretty open actually. A river of lave with the title - Environmental defence class and some notes down the side would probably scrape through
Now if I can just figure out how to draw a river of bathe..and if it is to teach defense it might be time to find new friends to bathe with. What exactly are we trying to learn here?

O.E. gelafian "wash by pouring, pour (water)," possibly an early Eng. or W.Gmc. borrowing of L. lavare "to wash," or its O.Fr. descendant, laver. L. lavare is from PIE *lou- "to wash" (cf. L. luere "to wash," Gk. louein "to wash, bathe," O.Ir. loathar "basin," Bret. laouer "trough," O.E. leaþor
DOH! He means lava!

Sorry Torstan, in my weakness I could not resist an interesting typo.