Good work there, mate.

Some comments and criticism. 'Cause everyone just hates to hear, "That's very nice...," <crickets>.

Misty Coastline: I can't say as I like the shiny Beveling on the edge of the water. It only seems to emphasize that the rest is actually flat. The oceans look like they are filled with reefs and shoals to the point of unnavigability. This might be the desired effect.

Modern: I personally don't care for the gradient on the water, but that's just me. Some of the rivers seem to be going up and down hills, and one looks like it's connecting two oceans.

Cartoony: My favorite. The ocean texture would look good in a non-cartoony venue if the gradation were a little more subtle and less saturated, and if a bit less posterized. I love the forest texture. It looks great on an island or small region, but would probably not work so well on the scale of a continent.

Google Textures: Could you explain what you mean by, "Google Textures?" Colors are kind of, "Brrr, cold." I really like the subtle, folded topography.