Ravells - Thank you, kind sir! I love your new avatar, by the way!

Steel General - Thanks my man! I am pumped that this "One dollar" series is nearing an end. I have some big plans for other stuff...

Moe - Well then thanks for the vote of confidence, if not the sale! Jfrazierjr is indeed right: playing over the internet is a lot easier these days than it once was! If you got skype and a VTT program, you're set. Heck, I know some people who prefer playing online.

Jaxilion - thanks a bunch! I have been playing with the idea of starting up a group with some of my friends back home too. Maptool is pretty awesome in that it really can just funtion as a big ol' table that you can drop things onto. The macro stuff seems pretty darn complex to a layman like me, but you don't really need to use any--it just gives the option of automating a lot of stuff if you're savvy enough. I do kinda wish there were some kind of option you could click to have everything set itself up for, say, 3.5 or 4.0 edition and automate everything automatically. You know, like Fantasy Grounds but free.