Thanks very much for the indepth feedback, Del. It's very much appreciated.

I'm a bit concerned you saw the body text font as arial as it was set in Times New Roman - could you check it again please? As far as I know, with .pdf files you don't need to have the font natively installed unless you want to edit the document itself. If you wouldn't mind doing me a quick screenie of a small section of bodytext, that would be appreciated.

My chief concern with the zine at the moment is that it seems to lack a centre (or it's just my imagination, but I really don't know). I'm hoping that it will evolve to fill a niche, but at the moment, I'm not sure what that is, but the fact that you found it an interesting read is a plus. I really didn't think that joe public would find the map competition entries all that interesting because they dealt with worlds which were the invention of others which could not be easily ported over into their campaigns.

I would love the zine to have more 'how to' articles - particularly with the mapping. After all people (as far as I know, but I'm a bit out of touch) want stuff which either supplements existing commercial products or which they can bolt onto their own campaigns - but that sort of material is everywhere (personally I think Johnn Four's newletter is the best example of it - that man deserves some sort of medal).

I really appreciate your thoughts on the layout. At the moment, it's bland, safe and boring, but as the zine evolves and I have a better idea as to what it's really about, I will change the layout - but there have to be good reasons behind it and hold together coherently, but until I know what the vibe is, it's hard to make a decision there on the look and feel.

Thanks again for all of your thoughts, I'm very grateful for them.
