Hi Redrobes,
Thanks for the offer. I wouldn't want to put you to any trouble, I was just fishing for info - which you've supplied plenty of.

I can make icons by hand if that's what I have to do.

However, here's the info - I'll let you decide how big a job the scripting is. If it's a bear, just let me know and I'll do the job manually - I'm used to substituting patience for tech.

The map sections are scanned from A4/foolscap real historical maps. The resulting jpgs are a little over 2MB each, with a total file size of 210MB. I need a single large jpg (or similar) that I can view electronically.

The maps as scanned were all exactly the same size at 2550x3905 px each, but I've had to crop them down by hand to remove borders, etc, so they're no longer all the same size. The files for assembly average around 2150x3000 px, which is still a ratio of about 1: 1.376. I realise that the different sizes means there will be gaps or overlaps at high mag, but I can live with that - it's for personal game use, and even then, largely GM reference - I'm not planning to sell it.

The scale is 3 pixels = 1ft.

Of course, the 'edge' sections are bigger, as they include labels, title blocks, etc.

When I get Viewingdale reloaded following my HDD crash...

...I'll put them in C:\Program Files\ViewingDale\Images\Ogilby

and the files will be A2Z0002.vmi to A2Z0081.vmi.

The icons will be in c:\Program Files\Viewingdale\Icons\Ogilby.

That is, if my RAM and HDD space is up to it. This is the first project that's ever hit the buffers! If vmis are bigger than jpgs, I could be looking at the best part of a gig for the one map.

It's useful to know that no app can assemble jpgs - even knowing what I can't do, and why, is an increase of knowledge. Thanks for the info.