Jaxilon, your maps are just fabulous. I wish I could have found you before to add one of your maps at my "ideas of maps". This map Xperemiante is awesome, very close to what I want.
About the rivers, I can't say you're wrong. I was researching for this right now and... well, you're right. It's a river called "River of Souls"(yes, like the river Styx), so I tought it would be awesome if it was a really big river. Never tought in a channel of salt water. For years and years I was telling people that was a river... shame on me.
So, if you can help me, it would be an honour. I really like your maps, but this Xperemiante one is particularly cool.
I don't know what to do next. Do you have Facebook or something like it? I can send you the .psd files, or something. And talk with you while you create the maps. I think you are going to like some of my ideas.
I can promise you something, you can bet a map of yours that your name is going to be on my map.