Cool, a lot of gamers on here. I kind of expected that there are some of us around

It seems DnD is still the Master of rules, at least sales-wise. I started with DSA (Das schwarze Auge) a long time ago, when the english language was not at my disposal. We then switched to ADnD 2nd Ed. (also in german) and played that almost exclusively for a long time. After I learned english in school, i started to look around for other mechanics and settings and found tons of it on the english market (that was like the treasure-cave of an old wyrm for me ). Since then i tried out a lot of different settings and mechanics and as mentioned in the OP i love dicepool best for resolution. Nowadays i tinker with settings and mechanics on my own but so far i haven't found "my perfect system" .
I am a total fantasy nut. Sci Fi somehow never clicked for me, at least not pure sci fi. We tried some Star Wars, and i love the setting, but imho SW is more fantasy than Sci Fi there you have it

If i could map as well (electronically) as some of you, I'd map a lot more, i guess...but alas i am not very talented with all those softwares (also, too lazy to truly sit down and really really learn one of those softwares).

Anyway, fortunately, i have found this place here and many of you are very generous people so i was allowed to steal some maps and brushes for my own uses. Thanks for that!

Oh and if you want to talk about your homemade setting, go on. I always like to hear about settings and their histories (if you have it on here or somewhere else on the i-net, feel free to link to it, so that we can take a look).