I've been playing and DMing for several years now, but my gaming experience has been fairly limited, both in terms of the systems and the settings I've tried. As far as settings, I've had brief excursions into Greyhawk (which didn't really do it for me) and Forgotten Realms (which intrigued me quite a bit), and have played more extensively in Golarian (which you can't beat in terms of depth). Likewise, I've really only played 3.5e and Pathfinder for any length of time, though I've had some brief encounters with Paladium, Rifts, 2e, 4e (which I hated) and Vampire.

As far as what I enjoy, I actually prefer low to mid fantasy/magic settings (e.g. Middle Earth) and a modified version of D20 called E6 that caps level advancement at 6th level. This effectively prevents PCs from transcending the bounds of the human to ascend to the superhuman, and thus better fits with a low to mid fantasy/magic setting.
