Checking in! I think I've always been a gamer at heart. Started out with making my own rules for battling with armymen with my friends at, I think, age 8 or 9. My first run in with a "real" pnp rpg was James Bond at age 12, although we didn't quite get the rules (being Norwegian, and all the rules were in English), but it was still fun.
About the same time I bought myself Elfquest the rpg, and had brief encounters with Twilight 2000, Shadowrun, Top Secret, Star Wars, Robotech and ADnD, before a friend of mine bought himself Warhammer FRPG, which we played quite some while alongside Cyberpunk 2020, which I got myself after reading an article about it in Dragon. Still get the same weird feeling when I read that article again. This we played alot.
Until I found an old "left-behind" copy of GURPS 3E at my house. A friend and me had tried out the play by numbers adventure in the back, and he had forgotten it at my place. We tried it a couple of times, and we were all very hooked on this game where you could be ANYTHING! I still play GURPS. Switched to 4E when that came out, and haven't looked back. I'm currently running three GURPS campaigns. My own fantasy homebrew, GURPS Fallout, and a Lego space-opera still in development.
I also play Pathfinder, having switched from DnD when that awful, smelly thing called 4th Edition came out.....
Hmmmmm, other rpgames I've played include Paranoia, Call of Cthulhu, Vampire, Alma Mater (a strange indie high-school(?) setting), and MERP.
So, as you might get, my favorite system is GURPS, with Call of Cthulhu and Vampire on second and third.

I also play Magic TG, both Warhammer and Warhammer 40k, and everything else I can get my hands on.... I'm a gamer throughandthrough, and I think my gf would be happier if I didn't talk AND walk RPG.......

My favorite settings have to be Warhammer, Forgotten Realms, and Call of Cthulhu, the two former because of their long history and many many years of development. Cthulhu, beacuse[sic] of horror-filled dark-lit scary sessions...
