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Thread: Which is easier? Computer or Hand?

  1. #11
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Seems like the perfect opportunity to post this link:

    I.e. it makes no difference any more. Ink / Digital its the same thing now.

  2. #12
    Community Leader jfrazierjr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redrobes View Post
    Seems like the perfect opportunity to post this link:

    I.e. it makes no difference any more. Ink / Digital its the same thing now.
    Oh I would not quite say that....

    unless your hand drawn line work is perfect the first time, every time, you still have to do a pencil sketch first--
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  3. #13
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    The little black box in the vid is the pen pickup. It has a button on the top which when pushed starts a new layer. So you push it, draw some, push it, draw some more. When your all done you upload it all to the PC as vector and just choose all the layers you liked. So when you say you still have to do the pencil sketch first - yes, but this thing will keep the sketch before you start to draw it. By the time your sketch looks good you have those good layers already in vector form and you can scrub all that which came before it. Linux and gimp are just free tools to get you there. Free or paid is not at issue. Ink or digital is the question and with a pen like this or a pen tablet and a printer they are interchangeable.

    No substitute for the brain, eye and hand controlling all this stuff. That's where the art is. Digital or physical, its all art. Its the image behind the medium that is art and the part that separates the good from the bad. Hardly any CGI is completely AI or procedural. Almost all of it still has to be created by someone. Only such things as pictures of the Mandelbrot or whatever could be argued that they are not art. Ultimately all visual art is sparks in synapses in the head so a kind of virtual / digital anyways. Were heading into metaphysics now tho. Anyone read "Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance" ? A must read, and on that explains why its all art.

  4. #14
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    Hehe, this kind of makes me imagine a conversation between an ancient artist that painted on rocks and cave walls talking with someone using a piece of paper. Will the Rock painter say real artists use sticks and an uneven surface? Or will he embrace the paper?

    Art is always changing unless you prefer stagnation: noahbradley break-your-routines

    Personally, I come from the more traditional art background and only in the last year or so started learning digital. I still am frustrated at not being able to get exactly what I see in my mind's eye because I know I could draw it on paper but sometimes I create something I hadn't imagined and that is a nice surprise.

    There are things that are easier to do digitally. For instance, colorize your entire background a certain hue. How great is it to drag a paint can to the canvas instead of actually waving your arm to and fro over a real one? You can modify the textures of something with a few clicks of a button so yeah, that is much easier. You still have to make it look good and blend into a cohesive looking piece. In the end, you have pixels yes? With an actual painting you have a physical object in your hands so there is a level of satisfaction there but it's also not easy to take with you when you travel.

    Can folks who are not good artists create good looking things using computerized tools? Yes and it is the computer that made it possible. Is there an advantage in being able to actually draw or paint? Certainly, I believe there is. And obviously it requires good hand eye coordination skills to be able to draw by hand.

    I believe there is an artist in all of us, however, it may be stunted due to lack of belief in our artistic ability or because of comparing ourselves to someone else.

    If you go into a 3rd grade classroom and ask for all the artists in the room to raise their hands, just about every kid in there will raise theirs. Something happens along the way (probably high school) where because we don't draw or paint something just like someone else we become convinced that we are not artistic. As a result, we tend to not try anymore. We move in other directions. So, imo, anything that helps people get back into expressing themselves through art is a good thing and they shouldn't be criticized for it. How many start out doing things digitally using filters find themselves starting to make things by hand because they want a certain something that wasn't available?

    How about Antony Gormley who put those iron statues out in the middle of no place and people have to travel miles just to see them? Is he an artist or a nut job? I don't know, but I wish I had done this. Sure it is sculpture but is not that also art or is crafting something like that too easy?

    Make it with yarn I say! So long as it fires up your creative juices go for it. You never know when you might come up with something utterly fantastic.
    Last edited by Jaxilon; 09-01-2011 at 02:54 PM.
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  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by jfrazierjr View Post
    Oh I would not quite say that....

    unless your hand drawn line work is perfect the first time, every time, you still have to do a pencil sketch first--
    While I'm not claiming that my hand-drawn work is perfect by any means, I always draw with a pen, and never with a pencil, and I never need to redraw anything, I just work with what I create and finish the map. I don't want to draw the same lines twice, that's why I ink it from the start. Then scan it, import to my applications of choice and finish the work. I do 'paint it' in the computer as I don't enjoy working with paint brushes...

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  6. #16
    Guild Expert eViLe_eAgLe's Avatar
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    I also prefer working with a pen.. But im a novice compared to you GP.

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