Well, aren't all the different structures just ways to consistently describe languages that just grew? It's we geofictioneers and conlanguists that do design on languages from the ground up. So sure, you also get to pick the *exceptions* as well as the rules :-). And to us a consistent pattern looks and sounds like a coherent, organic language. But if your people have quirks that make for radically different bits of semichaos, in the middle of an otherwise rational set of rules, so be it. Maybe it's the very order vs. disorder that carries a meaning in your language. "Only <dripping with scorn> uneducated yokels stick with the bare forms. We literate people have to change gender agreement five times in a sentence or it's just so gauche. And all that "La-La-de-Dah" stuff is so dusty and formal. Why everyone knows a bit of Ubbi_dubbi is what all the smart people spice up their lingo with."

Your game, your rules :-). Consistency is a shortcut to believability, but "plausible" can be had other ways too. You just don't want the reader to have to devote a lot of study to decoding your conlang, if the novel or the map is what you're trying to get across. If it's all for your enjoyment though, and you're having fun, then Go To It.

Horrible days.... my Monday had a root canal, an air conditioner quit, and a broken window at my Mom's house. I just can't wait to see what Tuesday has in store :-b .