Glad you joined us! Find a tutorial that uses a style you like, and tackle it. Give us a look as you go in a work-in-progress thread, and ask questions as you have trouble - help will be freely and gently :-) offered. If you feel timid about showing first efforts, then run through the applicable steps several times, and show us your next one - but don't worry about our response to a new mapper's work. Really, SOMEbody can learn something from watching you try, no matter how it turns out. And you can learn even faster with multiple mentors' input.

Do you already have any graphical tools at hand, or have you been eyeing any with intent to learn one(s) ? The ones in use here range from free to very expensive, with NO guaranteed better results out of the pricey ones! If you lean toward paper , by all means dive in. Quite a few of us work by hand, and many of the digital hand-drawn techniques (pen and graphics tablet) are valid for pencil, ink, or crayon.

Have you seen the thread reviewing lots of different graphics programs?