I really like it a lot. I personally don't think that textures and shading need to appear on every map.

Agree with GlennZilla: Where is the C?

I really like the look of the trees. I like how they overlap.

Couple of things I didn't like:
- The lines on the hillside that, to me, seem extraneous since you already use the contour lines to great effect.
- The way the trees hang over the edge of the map around the outside. I'm not sure how I would change it to 'fix' it, but it doesn't look right to my eyes.
- The side view of the hill. I definitely realize its purpose, but it seems to 'cartoon-y' for my taste, whereas the rest of the map just seems clean to me. I guess, to me, it is a clash of styles. The map is a simple, modern, effective map. The side view is not modern, nor is it right. I think that it should be in a more realistic style. (Sorry to babble; I'm finding it very difficult saying what I'm trying to.)