He certainly brought style to the gadget and is probably the singular reason gadgets have become fashion. I still despise the evil that is the apple walled garden and will never buy anything by them unless they change tack no matter how shiny and fashionable. Still, I admire the man and will appreciate him the most for taking Pixar to the level it needed to be in order to make a full length CGI film. Though a CGI film would have been done anyway, it would have most likely been done by some incumbent studio and sucked and quite possibly the medium would have died with it.

To have been sacked from the Apple board, watch the company nose dive, be reinstated and then turn the company around to be, at one time, the worlds largest company and with a cash balance that eclipsed the US federal reserve, nobody can have any doubt that it was him alone that was the key to that. He certainly changed the world.