Hi Tim,

I usually love your map transpositions (and am very jealous that you have the opportunity to do them!) but on this occasion I think the original looks better to me than the new one in a few respects, but by no means all.

At this scale the 'caterpillar' hills look more credible than the new mountain symbols, I can't see any connection between the font you've used for the table and WWI, (maybe an old typewriter font would have been more in keeping?). The trenches in the old one are easier to see too, although I don't know if they have any 'in game' purpose. I really do like the colours you've used for the onboard chits, they stand out much better than old green ones, but I think the red 'half moon' symbols would work better if they were less saturated. If you were going for a 'realistic gritty look' lots of shell holes would have given it some character. Also the old map has sectors which are wooded but the new one doesn't (not sure if they have a game purpose, but if not, then quite right to take them out). I like your rivers much better, they're much easier to see although I'm not sure if the bridge symbols in the new map work so well. I think that in both maps the sector lines are too dominant, you could really dial those down while still keeping them visible. There are black squares in the old map (not sure what they are meant to be) which haven't made it to the new one. I'm guessing they're more than just eyecandy, but maybe your map isn't finished yet so they will come in later. It might be worth making your city buildings a colour other than green...perhaps grey, they almost look like woods.

Don't know if you're done with this, but if you're not, maybe it might be worth trying a stark b/w or an aged map look to it.

Hope this crit isn't too harsh, but as I said before, I love your stuff and there's probably a ton of gameplay reasons of which I'm unaware that have informed your design of the map.

