I was searching for flat "earth" ideas and stumbled on this thread.

I have been throwing around the idea of a planetoid that had a flat surface for years. I penned the major continent years ago. My thinking, and I am certain there are gaping holes in my science, was that the planet was the cooled remains of one half of a binary star system. So its mate star is now the sun and the chunk left over is a mass of gas and minerals still travelling with the other star. The general shape of the world was a cone with a huge chunk blasted out of the middle. Think of a upside down mountain with a a piece of the center missing. The "surface" of the planet was along the broad relatively flat side. The planetiod rotated end over end so it had day and night. Seasons were created based on distance from the sun. Binary stars move from what I understand like they are joined by a rubberband effect from gravity. They rotate around eachother but they pull apart and then gravity starts to pull them back closer as the race back toward each until they pass and start pulling away from each other. So in the case of my little planetoid it is coldest when it is furthest from the sun and hottest when it is passes closest to the sun. While this was intended as a fantasy setting I wanted to go as far as I could with wild scientific conjecture before the magic angle kicked in.