Oh oh, so it seems I'm not gonna win that one. No worries, the most important is to participate and show the community that Cartogrpher's Guild is very active and show a good spirit.

Congrats Lukc, it is well deserved, as your work was really amazing!
Just hope I'll be able to challenge you a little bit more next time. Your work has been inspiring and the good part is that I've learned a lot from it. I'm sharpening my tools right away!

What I've learned form this challenge is to listen carefully to the advice from people who are used to this kind of challenge. I've been "warned" about the aspect more "illustration than mappy" but didn't take it into account enough.
So the moral of all of this is that we guys have to post post post our work and ask for feedback and read them/ take them into account carrefully.

Thanks for you guys who voted for me btw, really happy to see that my work was appreciated