Hello to you all,
I've been gaming (Mainly D&D, but a little Cthulu, Cyberpunk and Traveller) for well over 20 years now.
My love of maps has been with me every step of the way. I remember having the luxury of a huge expanse of wall whilst at college, and putting up the full map of Waterdeep (From the Forgotten Realms world) it must have been about eight poster sized sections that all fitted together. Fantastic.
I've always loved computers also, and I got Campaign Cartographer many years ago. Frankly it all seemed a little complicated at the time, but recently I purchased the latest edition and I've been playing with it quite alot now. I'll post a couple of my better maps soon.
My next adventure will be set in a gladiatorial Arena. I'm looking for something that will fit into a small town setting, so nothing large and dramatic. It's got to be basic, down to earth kind of place where the main attraction is the fighting not the scenery. My inspiration is the recent TV show Spartacus.
Anyway nice to talk to you.