Sorry if I come across as really critical on this one. I do like your maps, but I don't think this is one of your better ones.

Although they look nice at first, the textures and effects don't really "match up" in a way that makes sense. If looked at as a straight printed map as is, it's exceedingly modern as it has glossy emboss and drop shadow effects along with artificial distressing and grunge. If interpreted as a photo of an artifact then it's a piece of paper glued to a sheet of wood, with some brass/gold ornamentation, and then some odd white text floating over it. This is a rather odd construction. The degree of wear and grunge is highly variable: the wood is scuffed and scratched, but there is no scratching on the paper or metal, and while the paper is all grungy, the metal looks brand new. The text just doesn't make sense at all as it doesn't look like anything but computer text with a glow behind it.

The pixelated borders and choice of the Robinson projection also contribute to this modern/old clash: Robinson was developed in 1961. A more 1890ish projection would be Mercator or maybe a pair of hemispheres in azimuthal projections. Also, projections like Robinson are kind of hard to interpret without a graticule.