Pyrandon, I have the same reservations about starting a project and it dying a quick or even slow death. That may happen. But this site is has the personnel most likely to make it succeed. I dont think anyone should feel obliged to commit to such a project. We are mostly amateurs who need to do other things to make a living, so I dont think anyone should feel under pressure to make any form of deadline.

I for one would love to contribute. I'm not sure I'm cut out to lead the project (although I appreciate the vote of confidence GP). I believe the preson who leads this sort of project will have to be someone with a prettty good grasp of mapping on a global scale. To create a "macro" view if you like as a blue print from which to work down. I also dont really know much about web hosting or programming, which may be a necessity particularly if the project were to really get going.

After my eralier post in response to GP, I thought of a potential problem with collaborating with the Fantaseum Alliance partners. Work sharing is fairly easy to do when you are hsndling the mapping, but not so when you are creating the backstory or campaign details. The other two sites would struggle to get a brief to us for a long time, because their processes are, by definition, much slower if major collaboration is sought between their members.
