Suggestions.... hmmm. "Keep up the good work". "Please post more often". "We'd definitely love to see works in progress for this kind of stuff." You mean like that?

Commentary ... well "this stuff is made out of awesome", and "freakin' lovely woodcut, sir" spring to mind. Also "nice - a continent with an appropriate selection of islands".

Criticisms.... well, the northern coast and the northern passage have coastlines that look like fjords, or some level of drowned roughness, but most of the mountains don't match that. You have the "all mountains are bare rock" disease (well, mild illness...) - it'd be fine to run your forest colors a ways up their flanks. For that matter, if the colors indicate landcover and climate, you could get a little more plausible with placement of the dry zone. Like, pick a latitude and extent, and 'dry out' the areas of 30-ish N & S, and wetten the areas around equator & 60 N or S. Pick some prevailing winds - there's guidance in a number of threads herein if you want to get compulsive, or stick with simple stuff - and apply some of the "wetter on upwind side of mountains / drier downwind" effect.

I bet the currents in those long skinny straits are absolutely evil ! I like the travel tips :-). And thank you for jumping in with a bang - that's repworthy even if the work you show wasn't also great stuff !