Yes to Piscivorous,

Any work done by anyone (in the United States at least) in the past 75 years or so is still under copyright by their creator (or otherwise licensed beneficiary) and cannot be used or altered from its original form or use.

That being said, fair use of a copyrighted item you own does give you broad rights in how you personally use it. So posting a digital copy of a map (for sale or not) to a site for people to use is wrong. Posting a copy of a work in progress to show like minded individuals and ask experts in their field for suggestions on obtaining better results in an artistic endeavor is permitted.

More pertinent to this thread here, posting this particular map shows the artist working on an image for personal use based on a previous work. His current work would not be reasonably seen as a copyright violation unless he included a map key that corresponds to the information provided in the original module.

Even better and more pertinent to you Piscivorous, post your own version of C1 so that people can give input and praise. That is the key reason for these forums!

We are in a new-ish age for copyright and the lawyers are having a field day.


disclaimer I am not a copyright lawyer, nor a lawyer. I work in a library and deal with these issues on a daily basis.