OK, I wish Timallen had been able to do more - I liked where PostAmerica was going. Redone gets definite kudos for entering with his first Guild map; yea, even his first CG post. Well done, I just didn't feel very threatened by the vague menace. I realize if I was on that bridge I'd feel a bit more urgency.... Rdanhenry gets points for thoroughness, but it's soooo distant again I don't feel endangered. And while his map does beat my initial Post-Boson one for minimalism, I still got my filesize smaller :-). Cyruss, I liked the results you got, but again, the looming menace was mostly off-screen. Shucks, you could get that much destruction in a subway station with a mere 8.8 earthquake nearby.

The Night at the Opera though - while simple, it tells the whole story of impending doom. And one can sense the end coming, even if one isn't in a shaded zone... yet. Completeness of multiple competing horrors, a bit of textual chronology to show the spread, yet still room for imagination to make it even scarier. My vote's for Akerbeltz - nice job!