I'm quite liking it...

I don't know exactly how difficult it is to draw a map for you guys, so if I'm asking too much, or if you don't wanna change it because you think it's nice this way... well, I don't mind. As you said, I'm not paying, you're doing it for free, so you have no obligations here. ^^

But... anyway, if you don't mind, I'll just ask to you to make the west a little bit misterious... If you could simply leave that part in blank, as if it wasn't drawn yet... Because no cartographer in Zoh ever reached the other side of the desert, so they can't know for sure the coastline there... I simply don't want the players to know anything about that side. In the other hand, I could simply cut the map when I present it to the players, so I wouldn't have problems here, then, it's up to you taking that part off or not.
The moutains could be a little bigger too, they appear to be a little small in that map... I was thinking about really high mountains, and extensive too, something as the Andes down here in South America... ^^

You can make a little town at the east too, after the Walls... it's a necromancer tower, in fact, far from the walls, in the east. That's why humans constructed the Walls and the city of Barreira (a militar city)...

I don't know if the story of the world would help you drawing, or not. So, if it helps explaining what each city is (militar, economic, etc.) and how they were made, I can explain... if it doesn't, I'll swear I stop bothering you with scenary stories (as the necromancer and the fact that Barreira is a militar city).