I am so very new, as I'm sure you can see reflected in my post count. I love maps and I've finally become brave enough to try to learn to make my own, which is why I'm here.

I love the map; it has a very nice hand-drawn look to it. My only concern, going to print, is how the contrast will be reflected. Especially into a book size. A lot of the very small markers might become illegible? But hey, I don't even know what scale your book is going to be, so who am I to say?

As for names, the only one that stands out to me is Mizzle Drizzle. My eyes keep going to it because it seems slightly discordant to the other names. Just something strange to it, I suppose? The rest have a very fantasy, eldritch feel to them. Mizzle Drizzle just (and mind, this is only from my point-of-view, so your mileage may vary) doesn't.

Overall, however, beautiful map and I hope I can make one similar with time!